Have us monitor for and fix app
crashes. Get weekly crash reports
and keep your app healthy
For bugs which don't cause
crashes but are still bugs
See how customers are using
your app. Get monthly reports
and recommendations
OUTSOURCED DEVELOPERS GONE AWOL?60% of all apps on the App Store and Google Play are created by oursourced developers – many of who don’t stay on board after the app is released. This leads to crashes and bugs going unfixed for long periods of time, creating a poor user experience and driving down downloads. After an initial needs assessment and installation of crash reporting software, Blue Cottage have a number of support plans available which can help you look after any stray bugs or crashes encountered.
IS YOUR APP CRASHING UNEXPECTEDLY?Blue Cottage will monitor your app daily for crashes. Those which are critical will be fixed right away and those less severe are can be scheduled to be fixed at an appropriate time. We also proactively look through your app, and let you know of any potential crashes to look out for, whether it’s a new version of iOS / Android, or architectural problems which could fall over as you scale.
DO YOU HAVE SMALL CHANGES TO MAKE TO YOUR APP?Some tweaks are so tiny it’s not worth getting an agency on board to quote for. As part of our support contract, we can also make minor changes and tweaks, so fixing that one button on the login screen which is off by 1 pixel to the left is not an issue for us.
NOT SURE WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE DOING?Building your app is only half the battle, and you can only get downloads if you know what your customers are doing and what they find frustraiting. Blue Cottage is able to add analytics to your app, and let you know where the leaks in your sales funnel are. We’re also experts in A/B testing, and are able to test minor variations of your app to give you better results.
SOUNDS GREAT, ANYTHING ELSE?If it hasn’t already been done, Blue Cottage will put your app’s source code into version control and set up a bug tracking system. Any bugs or features you’d like completed can be added to the bug tracker, and scheduled to be fixed. We’ll also be available either on Skype, Slack, email or phone for any questions you might have, either about the software development process, online marketing stratagies, or if you’d just like to have a chat about what’s up and coming in tech.